Humanity First

Equity-inclusion Consulting

Rooted in Collective Healing

I work with individuals, companies, and workplaces of all kinds, along with the entertainment industry and wellness and movement professionals and studios who are invested in the ongoing work of uplifting, protecting, and centering the queer and trans people they serve. This work is most impactful when done over longer periods of time. I also facilitate
white affinity/accountability spaces.

I do this work in a variety of different ways.

Some examples include:

Initial webinars based on your specific needs:

  • One to two-hour initial consulting session for you and/or your team.

  • Three-hour training for wellness and movement professionals (perfect for teacher trainings and staff trainings!).

A training series curated for you or your space:

  • 6-session series with 2 hours allotted to each session where we dive into gender 101, oppressive systems and ideologies to be dismantled, harm & repair, queer and trans affirmation practices, and so much more.

  • 12-session series with 2 hours allotted to each session. A deeper dive into all of the above with more space for processing and implementing as a group according to your unique needs.

Individualized packages for you, your business or workplace’s specific needs that could include, but not limited to:

  • Business audit - Going through entire website, policies, and intake forms and working together to move them toward queer and trans affirmation, inclusive language, and protections.

  • Separate trainings, Q&A sessions, consulting, and support sessions built differently to address the needs of different departments within the workplace.

…and so much more!

Book a free consultation to discuss an individualized package that responds to your needs!

Kaleigh, yoga teacher and educator

"Kai is a passionate, energetic presenter who creates a space for participants to feel brave, ask questions and engage with the work. The information delivered is supported with timely research, historical context and fact-based…beneficial to anyone seeking to shift from inclusive ally to affirming activist.”

Lauren, trauma-informed coach

“I learned so much from Kai's workshop. From breaking down terminology to offering historical context to actual practices that we did together to unlearn what culture has taught us about gender, I came away feeling better equipped to reduce harm in the work I do and to affirm the trans folks in my life. I can't recommend Kai and their work enough!”

What you can expect from working with me:

  • A compassionate space to unpack misperceptions about gender and sexuality, unlearn biases, and foster more inclusive environments that respect, honor, and affirm trans, non-binary, and queer community members.

  • A learning environment that meets you where you are and is tailored for your unique needs.

  • Opportunities for organizational culture shift that will go beyond action steps and box-checking.

  • An understanding of how to better center those most impacted by systems of oppression through real-time practices, accountability, and community building.


Do you offer virtual or in-person sessions?

I work predominantly online via Zoom unless clients are located in Portland, Oregon. I’m also open to traveling depending on finance considerations and scheduling.

Are your training recordings available for ongoing access?

My standard contracts arrange for month-long access to each recording. This both honors my time and labor while incentivizing prompt engagement of my training materials, and I’m also happy to arrange for longer term access with an increased rate.

What kind of individuals do you work with?

I have supported yoga teachers, dance instructors, parents (of trans and cisgender kids), educators, therapists, and beyond. I’m open to working with anyone committed to affirming, uplifting, and supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ folks—personally, professionally, and in community.

Do you consult on DEI statements for organizations?

My experience has shown me that offering support in the creation of DEI statements requires clients commit to the deeper work, which requires a longterm commitment to organization-specific training, learning, and consulting beyond the DEI statement process.

How do you determine your fees for organizational consulting or individual work?

I work on a sliding scale that considers the scope of work, the size of the organization, while prioritizing equity, sustainability, and accessibility. I also offer a discounted rate for BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, and/or disabled individuals.

What types of criteria do you consider when contracting with new clients?

My goal is to support organizations and individuals who understand the ways in which systems of oppression always intersect and overlap. I believe that, in order to create a more just world, we must all commit to unpacking the ties between racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and more. It is important that I work with clients who are committed to both race and gender equity. Though I personally don’t specialize in race-equity consulting, I am happy to refer you to colleagues and other consulting collectives.